I went to this clinic because I know a friend who is working there and it's near to my house. Today is my off day and I did a lot of things today.
This is how my schedule was like today, so packed:
9am- Wake up
910am- Wake myself up from a daydream and do housework !!!
(I have never do housework for a month already! Busy working)
1130am- Finish doing housework and go bath
12pm -Get ready, go to the bank and bank in my salary and find a friend who is working at AllSmile Dental Care
1230pm - Talk to my friend for a while and decided to book an appointment since I have never clean my teeth for a long time. It's good to have a try but the earliest appointment is at 330pm.
1pm - Have lunch alone, I have the curry chicken teriyaki at Century Square food court.
130pm - Finish lunch, nothing to do so decide to go home and read some magazines, brush my teeth before I see the dentist
230pm - Check my phone and realized that I got miss calls from "All Smile Dental Care" and I called back. For some reasons, I got my appointment at around 3pm, I quickly brushed my teeth and rushed down to the clinic
3pm - Visit the dentist
Wow... A long list
The dentist is very nice person. At first I thought he is an old man but I was wrong. He is not really old. Hmmm..... What I like about him is he really treat my like a kid. I saw the way he communicate with his staff sounds fun and his laptop was on facebook !!! Haha. What a fun and nice dentist.
I told him when I was about to leave: "You can add me on facebook as well!" and he laughed.
Then he said: " If you have friends who want to do braces can find me" then I laughed.
Overall, it was a nice dental experience with him.
The dentist particulars:
Dr. Kelvin Koh
B.S.D (Singapore)
M.D.S Orthodontics (Singapore)
M. Ortho. RCS (Edinburgh)
FRACDS (Australia)
There are two branches:
(1) Blk 502 Jurong West Avenue 1
Singapore 640502
Tel: 65692988
(2) 20 Tampines Central 1
Tampines MRT station
#01-26 Singaproe 529538
Tel: 67853303
The dental services that they offer:
-Comprehensive Examination
-Root Planning and Gum Surgery
-Dental Implants
-Tooth Colored Fillings
-Wisdom Tooth Surgery
-Teeth Whitening
-Root Canal Treatment
-Crowns and Bridges
-Scaling and Polishing
-Children Dentistry
-Aesthetic Dentistry
Book your appointment with Dr Kelvin Koh Now :)
I feel that my teeth is very very clean now, what do you think?