Location: East Coast Park, C Nai Hong Kong Cafe
Time: Lunch time

People: Dr Eloise Lim, Yifan and Myself
The picture below is Yifan looking at the menu. Hmmmm...which one shall we have?... ...All the food in the menu seems to be nice :)

This is my dear Dr Lim and Yifan. Yifan is trying to peep at me. Don't be *Paiseh.

I reallt love the yuan yang from the HK cafe very much. It's a mixture of coffee and tea. The flavour is quite thick and milky. It only cost me $2.80.

We are under a "Curry Day". Let see,
This is Yifan's Curry Pork Chop Rice, $6.90.

This is my Curry Pork Chop Baked Rice, $7.50. Hmm, I was a bit disappointed. It's is over cooked :( How am I suppose to eat when it is all black black :(

This is Dr Lim's Curry Instant Noodle. It's a kind of wasted to eat instant noodle in the restaurant but it looks much nicer than my blackie baked rice right?

Overall, we did enjoy ourself coming to this HK cafe to have our lunch. It's nice but our appetite is not really good on that day. Plus my over cooked baked rice. Hmm.... I think I don't dare to have this dish for the next one year.