Have you ever heard of this website, fr3b.com?
It's a website that helps you to save $$ by getting free samples to try out before you buy a certain product.
There are a lot of samples that you can choose from, I look through the website, mostly is for skin, body care and beauty products. It prevents you from buying the products that is not suitable for you.
Most importantly, the samples are all FREE!
So, how to get the freebies?
(1) Please log on to fr3b.com
(2) Register for an account
(3) Click sample gallery, choose your sample(you may choose up to 4 samples)
(4) Contribute to delivery fee
(5) The samples will be deliver to your mailbox
This is one of the most popular item that is giving out - Loreal True Match Two Way Powder Foundation

To get this / more samples, please log in or sign up.
Hope you enjoy getting more free samples.